A Bit of History About Rodney D Young

Company Trusted For Over 25+ Years*

A Bit of History About Rodney D Young

The company found itself in the position of being a training ground for the industry, and the spirit of free and fair entrepreneurship on which it has consistently expressed its ethics. What started as a nutshell has become the talk of the town. Rodney D Young Insurance is now noted as one of the biggest and reputable insurance firm.

The company offers a wide range of insurance and management services

Capitalizing on our vast experience as professionals with an intricate knowledge of the market, and our passion for the insurance industry, we transfer this know-how to our clients ensuring an effective no-nonsense approach in actualizing their safety. We are always ready to blend with the change in the industry and economies to safe guide our relationship and interest of our clients.

The company has been considered as one of the leading insurance firm in the country, it has been running operations consistently in the field and carrying out works on insurance and safety of their various clients.

When shopping around for a reliable insurance firm, Rodney D Young Insurance is a safe place to be. We also have our client interest at a very high esteem. We believe that with you on our side the future is insured and secured. We don’t neglect our client’s liability rather, we help them to identify and explore the value in their liabilities to complement their current assets. This is one of the keys that give us an edge over our competitors. If you care to know how this happens then, do business with us today and you will have your liability rebranded for huge values.

Cost analysis and estimation
We evaluate the cost of every property. This can be done at budgetary level, prior to the purchase point of the property based on the assumed specifications. We survey the market at regular interval to ensure that we have the accurate analysis and knowledge to give our client’s the best service at any point in time.

Our work Force
Nearly 450 employees are employed in our company and the numbers are expected to increase in the coming years. Due to the massive increase of unemployment we are trying our possible best to minimize it within our reach. Rodney D Young Insurance is not just a firm established to make profit alone, we are so much concerned about building our workers to prepare them for the leadership responsibilities that awaits in the future.

Relationship with the Client
The relationship that the management team has with the Client is the fundamental keystone in the structure of the system hierarchy. This is where the management team must play the strongest role. The Client must be guided by the Management team through all stages of the system, ensuring that he is provided with appraisals and recommendations and assisting him in the evaluation of financial and technical data presented to him, constantly advising him of time and cost implications.

The management team appointments
The Management team should attend to every necessary arrangement between the Client and all Professional Consultants to ensure that their respective responsibilities and roles are clearly defined and their professional fees or risk is well structured and agreed prior to the commencement of any endorsement.

Insurance Phase
Once the proposed properties are tendered and accepted the documentation program will be prepared based on the property program details. There are times however, when the method of insurance requires change, and he qualifies his tender to accommodate the Alternative method. This has a major effect on the Professional team as in most cases; the documentation is directly affected by modifications to the indicative insurance program. The Management team would then have to access the implications of such qualification on a basis, which would hopefully be achieved by the management team as a whole.

Mode of our Co-ordination
The Management team initial task is to prepare a detailed documentation program based on the insurance program. This documentation program sets out the time-based objectives for the various teams to achieve, in relation to the anticipated system process. This documentation program will be related to the time sequences, documentation priority following company priority, all of which are based on Rodney D Young insurance program prepared by the Management team. The documentation program is prepared as a potential tool to maintain discipline amongst the involved participants including the Client.

Constant reference to this program will be made at the clients, and Management meetings. Management meetings are convened with the Client and it is at these meetings that the Client will take major policy decisions. In addition, at these meetings, the evolving properties will be considered, approved or amended, progress reports presented and financial matters dealt with. It is at these meetings that the decisions of the Client will be monitored to ensure that he complies with his decision-making obligations.

A Bit of History About Rodney D Young
Technical Co-ordination
All meetings are held on a regular basis. Full records of the proceedings are kept under the control of the Management team. From the discussions held at these meetings, the Management teams will then follow up, coordinate the efforts of all involved participants and ensure that proper liaison takes place.

Financial control
All financial matters will be discussed in full at these meetings so that the cost report reflects an up to date financial position on the properties. In these cost reports, there may be items presented for consideration. These items reflect the cost of proposed alternatives and variations, which is vital to the Client. The Management team, in return, will require a constant flow of cost information from the appropriate personnel in order to guide the Client through the decision making process and enable him to fully understand the cost implications of the evolving properties. An updated cost report will be presented at the Client meetings. No decisions will have to be taken by the Client at these meetings without placing before him, any cost implications of such decisions. He will not be confronted with choices without the costs of any alternatives.

Insurance Program Evaluation
This is the final process of evaluating the overall management of a completed program in order to balance the overall process as well as the management team, and also to improve the preparations for future programs. We strongly believe in what we can do together to cause a great change in the industry and the economy at large. Why wait, take a step now and get your future secured. Rodney D Young insurance is proud of its memorable contribution to the development and tremendous impact of this great generation.